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Gplshop is owned by Entreprenadbutiken i Göteborg AB that was founded in 1997 and has its headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden. Gplshop is an e-commerce store that is oriented towards Husqvarna’s collections of lawn mowers and Automower®.
We are proud to offer our customers the best knowledge and service for Automower® in Sweden. We have collected this knowledge by working towards our goals & vision that provides 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.
Welcome to shop at Sweden’s largest dealer of Husqvarna Automower®, both online and in store.
C/O Entreprenadbutiken i Göteborg AB
Transportgatan 39
422 46 Hisings Backa
Phone: +46 31-24 30 15
Phone support:
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Store opening hours:
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Corporate Identity Number: SE556553-4566
Bankgiro nr: 5234-6947
SEB Account: 5044-11 914 28
Bank account with iban nr: SE7050000000050441191428
Vat SESE556553-456601